A few weeks in the life of us!
Last week I noticed that our cat was going to have kittens soon. She looked so big. Every day I would go out to the shop to check on her. I told Hailey that our cat was going to have kittens and she paused for a moment and said "I didn't know cats could get married." LOL...yes she know how babies are made but I told her it is best to wait until you are married. She is such a sweet innocent little girl. I love her so much. Our cat finally had her kittens yesterday. It was kind of exciting. Austin was the most fascinated. He stood out there and watched just after the last one was born. Tyler noticed when the cat was having kittens because they went to get the service truck out of the shop and the cat was having her kittens on the seat...lol. He moved her to a box with some clean rags. She really is a good mama cat. She seems to like all of the attention and petting that she is getting. She also didn't seem to mind when I held her kittens. Another thing i...