Coming to terms.....

I love having 5 children. They are the joy of my life. I love every single one of them and wouldn't change who they are, but one struggle I've had is that I desperately wish that my little Hailey could have a sister. I grew up in a girl family where I had one brother and six sisters. I am close to my sisters and I talk to a couple of them every day. They are my best friends and we support one another through our ups and downs. More than anything I wish Hailey could have a sister because I love having sisters so much....don't get me wrong I love my boys and wouldn't give them up or trade them for a girl any day, I just want Hailey to have a sister to feel close to like I have.

Maybe I'm a little selfish and I should just be grateful for the wonderful and healthy kids that I have....and believe me I do feel thankful for that. Maybe a sister was just too much to ask for.

I have spent many fast Sundays fasting for myself to come to terms with the fact that Hailey won't have a sister. I don't really know the reason that she only has brothers but I know that there is a purpose for the way that things are. It still makes me sad, but I guess Hailey will never know what she is missing because she hasn't ever had it.


Heather said…
I have thought the same thing.. She will always get to be the Princess!!:)
Anonymous said…
Hugs girl! I can see where you are coming from. I have 3 sisters, and I love it. My mom has always been jealous of my relationship with my sisters though. Sometimes I wonder if Drew will ever get a brother...I have a feeling we have another girl coming.
The Hoggan's said…
Maybe she wasn't meant to have a sister because she has such a wonderful mom to lean on and be close with. I do love my sisters though!
All for J's said…
I worry about that too with my children. I would like my son to have a brother and my daughter to have a sister. I know that it won't happen it's just one of those things I enjoyed and wanted for my chidren. You are a great Mommy and I hope you can find some peace with this worry sweetie. I agree with the Hoggan's in that you and Hailey can be like sisters :)
I know how you feel. I thought that way before Sydnee. I am glad that Tori has a sister, but Tori and Sydnee aren't that close. Brahnson and Sydnee seem to have a bond that I have never seen in siblings. Hailey has some great brothers and she'll know how to hold her own in every situation that comes her way!
kari said…
When I found out this next one is a boy I felt the same way a bit. I was over-joyed that Harris was to have a brother but a bit sad that Anna wouldn't have a sister. Yet, sometimes I relish in the fact that her and I have to stick together as the girls. Plus isn't it better she has all those brothers to stick up for her?
Debbie said…
Aw. That's kinda sad. I have one sister and one brother. My sister and I weren't very close as kids. That relationship has gotten better since we don't live together! My Morgan doesn't have a brother, but Aidan is such a tom boy he has a good buddy in her. You just never know. But you can enjoy some "girl-time" with just the two of you :)
Juliann said…
I have gone through very similar I am the oldest of 5 girls (no brothers). I can't imagine my life without my sisters, and I'm sad that it looks like Anna will not have sisters. BUT, I do feel like God knows what's best for her and though she may not have a biological sister, I believe she will have the influence of many great girls and women in her life that will be as sisters to her. That is my hope.
Cluttered Brain said…
she will probably have some great sisters in law then like me. i have 2 brothers, and no sisters until i got married. She'll adapt. Plus there is always roommates at college. Just like sisters. She'll do fine. on the opposite hand, i always wanted my girls to have a brother to protect them. i really screwed up on that one--having all girls. ahh well. you can't win them all can you? :)

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